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Narrations from aHadeeth regarding Hijama

The Harrow Cupping Clinic
The Harrow Cupping Clinic

Regarding the excellence of Cupping (Hijama) as a remedy


It was narrated from Abu Hurairah (radhi Allahu anhu) that the Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "If there is any good in any of the remedies you use, it is in cupping [Hijama]."


Sunan Ibn Majah Book 31, Hadith 3605. Classed as Hasan by Darussalam.


And also;


Jabir bin 'Abdullah (radhi Allahu anhu) narrated that he paid Al-Muqanna a visit during his illness and said, "I will not leave till he gets cupped, for I heard Allah's Messenger (sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam) saying, "There is healing in cupping."


Sahih Al Bukhari Volume 7, Book 71, Number 600.


And also;


Jabir bin 'Abdullah (radhi Allahu anhu) also narrated that, "I heard the Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam) saying, "If there is any good in your medicines, then it is in a gulp of honey, a cupping [Hijama] operation, or branding (cauterization), but I do not like to be (cauterized) branded."


Sahih Al Bukhari Volume 7, Book 71, Number 603.


Regarding the best time to get cupped


Narrated by Abu Hurayrah (radhi Allahu anhu); "The Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam) said: If anyone has himself cupped on the 17th, 19th and 21st it will be a remedy for every disease."


Sunan Abi Dawood Book 28, Hadith 3852. Classed as Hasan by Sh. Al Albaani (rahimahullah).


The 17th, 19th and 21st [of the month] mentioned here is referring to the Lunar calendar.


It is generally understood that when the Moon is full, it has the strongest possible gravitational pull on the earth and its inhabitants.


The effect in human beings is that the volatile bodily fluids and humors are pulled into the uppermost part of the body during the 1 day either side of the full moon (and on the full moon). As the phases of the full Moon subside to the 17th, 19th and 21st of the lunar month, the volatile humours subside too and the underlying humours are pulled up into their place. It is within these underlying bodily fluids and humours that the patient might be suffering toxicity. Once these underlying humours come close to the skins surface within the upper body, any toxicity or excess can easily be extracted through Hijama.


This might also explain why the key sunnah Hijama points are mostly located on the upper part of the body.


However, it's important to note that the patient does not need to wait for these dates if they are ill and have an urgent requirement to get cupped. Cupping can be applied on any day.

Hijama points of application from the Sunnah


Top, middle of the head.


It was also narrated by Ibn Abbaas (radhi Allahu anhu) that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was cupped on his head for an ailment he was suffering from while he was in a state of Ihram. at a water place called Lahl Jamal located on the road to Makkah. Ibn 'Abbas further said: Allah s Apostle was cupped on his head for unilateral headache while he was in a state of Ihraam.


Sahih al Bukhari Volume 7, Book 71, Number 602


Above the thigh [hip area].


Jabir ibn Abdullah (radhi Allahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam) had himself cupped above the thigh for a contusion from which he suffered.


Sunan Abi Dawood Book 28, Hadith 3854. Classed as Sahih by Sh. Al Albaani (rahimahullah).


Either side of the neck and on the shoulder.


It was narrated Anas ibn Malik that "The Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam) had himself cupped three times in the veins at the sides of the neck and on the shoulder. Ma'mar said: I got myself cupped, and I lost my memory so much so that I was instructed Surat al-Fatihah by others in my prayer. He had himself cupped at the top of his head."


Sunan Abi Dawood Book 28, Hadith 3851. Classed as Sahih by Sh. Al Albaani (rahimahullah).

Top of the Foot.


It was narrated from Jabir (radhi Allahu anhu) that the Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam) fell from his horse onto the truck of a palm tree and dislocated his foot. (One of the narrators) Waki’ said: “Meaning that the Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam) was cupped because of that [on the surface of the foot] for bruising.”


Sunan Ibn Majah  Vol. 1, Book 31, Hadith 3485. Classed as Sahih by Darusalaam. Also recorded in Abi Dawood Book 10, Hadith 1833 and confirmed as Sahih by Sh. Al Albaani (rahimahullah).


Regarding Hijama for the one who is fasting


There are a number of hadeeth on the matter of cupping during fasting and it seems as though it was initially outlawed.

It was narrated by Thawban that the Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam) said, "A man who cups and a man who gets himself cupped break their fast."


Sunan Abi Dawood Book 13, Hadith 2364. Classed as Sahih by Sh. Al Albaani (rahimahullah).

The reason may have been due to the hardship and weakness it causes upon the body, and Allah Azzawajjal knows best. But there are also narrations in Al Bukhari which suggest that the Messenger of Allah (sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam) was cupped while he was fasting.


Reference to Vol. 7, Book 71, Hadith 597.


And also;

It was narrated by Thabit Al-Bunani (radhi Allahu anhu) that Anas bin Malik (radhi Allahu anhu) was asked whether they disliked the cupping for a fasting person. He replied in the negative and said, "Only if it causes weakness."


Sahih Al Bukhari Volume 3, Book 31, Number 161.

My personal advice is to avoid it during fasting hours due to being cautious. However, there is no harm in having it done at night after the fast has broken.


Regarding Hijama being permitted for the one who is in Ihraam


It was also narrated by Ibn Abbaas (radhi Allahu anhu) that the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was cupped on his head for an ailment he was suffering from while he was in a state of Ihraam. at a water place called Lahl Jamal located on the road to Makkah. Ibn 'Abbas further said: Allah's Apostle was cupped on his head for unilateral headache while he was in a state of Ihraam.


Sahih al Bukhari Volume 7, Book 71, Number 602


ICAHT Approved Hijama Practitioner

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